My journey is long.
My body tires easily.
My soul grows weary
even easier now.
As my desire to seek God
so do the unpleasant
attacks from my enemy.
Today was a series of
unpleasant events.
Things from my past popped up.
Replaying images, feelings and
hurts from a time ago.
I've felt more insecure
and unconfident than
ever before.
There comes a time
when you reach your breaking point.
Your face falls into your hands
and you lose all control.
I can't deny
this presence around me.
I don't know how else to describe it
rather than to call it a shield.
Each time something occurs,
I am told, "it's okay, it's okay".
I am told where to focus my
thoughts and energy.
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."
Have I mentioned that being a Christian
is one of the hardest things I've ever known?
I can't sit and wait
for the paved road ahead.
I'm gonna have to dance
through these potholes
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