Monday, February 14, 2011

ali's Corner. [My Perfect Day]

Written December 9, 2010.

I've always heard the term,
"perfection does not exist".

Well, it does.
Just in a different way.

I think perfection exists
in our own individual minds.
To each their own.
Perfection is something,
once established in our minds,
we have little control over.
So we control what we can.
Our lives.
Our own little worlds.

-----writing prompted and inspired by John Scott.-----------------

My eyelids lift slowly.
It's morning.
The birds' melodies softly
calling me from my slumber.
My window open from the night before.
My sleepy body blanketed
by the warming sunshine.

Stretching and smiling.
What an absolutely perfect day outside.

Snuggly slippers & hazelnut coffee.
I thank God for creating such
a beautiful day.
I thank Him for loving me.

Clean room.
Everything in it's place.
Brand new skinny jeans
and high heeled boots.
Freshly ironed blouse and
knitted scarf.
Make-up applied evenly.
I look 25.
My framed reminder on my mirror reads,
"I am a beautiful daughter of a mighty king".
A confident smile in the mirror.
Out the door.

My new 2011 Mazda2 awaits me.
New car smell.
So fresh, so clean; 100 miles.
KLOVE plays quietly in the background.
I'm lifted up on wings like Eagles
when my favorite song comes on.
"Spoken For" - MercyMe.
My iPhone rings,
My best friend confirming
lunch for that day.
Paradise Cafe? Sounds great!
I love my job.
The kids are extra well-behaved today.
Feeling confident that I've
made a difference in their elementary
school aged lives.

Turkey Chipotle wrap
pasta salad,
cookies && coffee
with the best friend.
We lift each other up spiritually.
Converse about life.
Big date tonight with the boyfriend.

Afternoon spent outside.
Oh, freetime...
35mm Fuji Color.
I'm painting pictures with my mind.
What a beautiful creation.

Home to add to my art room.
Originally completely white walls,
floors and ceilings.
Now, occupied with photographs,
drawings, painting and words
of inspiration and spur of the moment thoughts.
I enter a land of pure imagination.
I feel like a child.

Hot shower.
Fancy clothes.
Boyfriend comes over to help make dinner.
We dance while cooking.
Stupid songs.
Horrible voices.
Amazing food.
Clean kitchen.
Warm fire.
Cinnamon rolls and a blanket.
Conversation about life
and what we desire of it.
Acoustic guitars.
His voice is lulling me to sleep.
His arm wraps around my waist.
And just as sleep demands
the entirety of my attention,
I look up.
And feel so blessed.
Thank you God,
for such a wonderful day.
What a perfect ending,
to a perfect day.


My eyelids lift slowly.
It is morning.
The rain pounding softly
against my window
shaking me from my slumber.
My sleepy body aches from
restless dreaming the night before.

Stretching and smiling.
What a gloomy day outside.

Snuggly slippers & hazelnut coffee.
I thank God for creating
this day.
I ask Him to get me through this
day of sad skies.

Clean room.
Everything has a home.
Freshly dried khakis
and black high-top Chuck Taylors.
A gray V-neck and striped hoodie.
A knitted beret.
Make-up never goes on evenly.
I look 18.
A crooked smile in the mirror.
I look to the taped piece of paper
on my mirror that reads,
"I am a beautiful daughter of a mighty king".
I look in the mirror again.
A big smile floods my face.
Out the door.

My 2001 Mercury Sable awaits me.
Grandma car smell.
Squeaky serpentine belt, 100,000 miles.
Photographs, old notes and stickers
fill my vision.
Memories of the past enter my mind.
I laugh in reminiscence.
My blackberry rings.
My best friend's calling.
She's having a rough day.
I'll buy her lunch and be over after work.

Not in the mood to deal with customers.
I ask God to give me His heart of compassion.
To break my heart for what breaks His.
The people are extra cranky and demanding.
I'm enabled to smile back and let harsh words roll off.
Still smiling.

(2) Broccoli Cheddar soups to go.
Off to the best friend's house.
My heart breaks for her struggle.
We lift each other up spiritually.
Converse about life.
She smiles and we feel blessed
to be in each others' lives.
Through the good and the bad.
Bittersweet smiles.

Afternoon spent outside.
Oh, freetime...
35mm Fuji Color.
I'm painting pictures with my mind.
What a beautiful creation.
Big smiles.

Walking downtown,
I see a man in need of food.
I invite him into Steak 'n Shake
and buy him a meal.
I write on the napkin,
"Jesus Loves You".
Still smiling.

On my way home,
I see a guy, about my age,
jumping around on the side of the road
with a sign that says "You're Beautiful".
Still smiling.

Home to relax.
I hang a few photographs.
And dream of having an art room.
An oasis for my mind to become a reality.
Drawings, painting and words
of inspiration and spur of the moment thoughts.
To enter a land of pure imagination.
Oh, to feel like a child.

Hot shower.
Comfy clothes.
I curl up with hot tea and pull out my journal.
I debrief for the day.
I wonder where I'll be a year from now.
I feel lonely.
God reminds me that I'm right where he wants me.
And i'm more than satisfied with an overwhelming
sense of his presence.
I am not alone.
I feel safe.
Acoustic guitar
sings praises and songs of joy.
My eyes get sleepy.
Before sleep demands the entirety of my attention,
I look up.
And feel so blessed.
Thank you God,
for such a wonderful day.


If I re-read my first day,
I realize, I don't want it.
That it's not my idea
of a perfect day at all.
My struggles, fears,
aches and tears
right now are what
make it perfect.

You make beautiful things,
you make beautiful things
out of dust.

"That is why, for Christ’s sake,
I delight in weaknesses,
in insults,
in hardships,
in persecutions,
in difficulties.
For when I am weak,
then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:10

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