Thursday, February 10, 2011

ali's Corner. [New Journey :: Day One]

Today I realized where
I've failed in the past.

I'd pick a time to surrender.
And try to give everything
up all at once.
Then I'd rely on that
to get me through my
entire journey.

But renewing myself
in Christ is something
I need to do every morning.

It's kind of like bathing.
You can't take one shower
and it last you weeks.

Right after a shower
you feel so refreshed
and clean.
Ready to face the day.
Each day that comes
you feel less
and less refreshed.

It could last you
a few days, if you're
willing to make it
go that long.

But, really,
it's something that needs
to be done daily.
To refresh and renew
your mind in Christ.

My focus this day was simple:
To spend time with Him.

This morning I was
lying in bed.
I told God of my
utmost desire to,
in that moment,
feel Him.
I waited.
I had faith.
warmth surrounded me.
It was this invisible
feeling of gentle
weight and pressure
over my body.
I exhaled & smiled.
And I felt divine

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