Saturday, December 17, 2011

ali's Corner. [The Joy Of Running]

I never thought I'd say this but
"I'm a runner."
And I see God while running
all of the time.

Today I ran a 5K (3.1 miles)
in downtown Indy.

I see Him, first of all,
in His creation.
Painters, photographers,
and artists of all kinds
have been trying to capture
His glory for some time now.

I see Him in the faces
of the other runners passing by
and I hear His words in their
heavy breaths saying
"good job, you can do it."

I see Him in my friend who runs
with me, motioning for me to catch
up with her when she knows I can,
and other times, slowing down and
waiting for me to catch up when she
knows I can't.

I see running as life itself.
All of the runners today
were on the same course,
People pass you by,
some encourage you with words,
others just run next to you
so you know that they are there.

If my body gets tired,
and my mind is telling me to walk,
I pray.
I tell God that I know
all I have to do is
keeping running.

And I trust Him to keep my heart beating,
my lungs breathing,
and quite frankly,
my stomach from throwing up,
or getting light-headed
and passing out.
I put all of my trust in Him.
And it wills my legs to keep moving.

Then, I am suddenly thankful
for the ability God gave me to run.
Two legs that work,
eyes that can see His creation,
ears that can hear the praise songs
coming out of my iPod,
and two hands that can praise Him.
I am already blessed beyond measure.

It's then I know He will get me to the end
One step at a time.

And I see Him at the finish line.
He is at the end of all of our lives.
We will all face Him one day.
Whether we choose to love Him or not.

Today it was 30 degrees.
It was snowing and my lungs were burning.
I'd ran a 10:35 mile pace for 2.8 miles.
The best mile time I've ever had for
a 5K race.

I only had the last straight stretch left.
And I could see the finish line.

My step picked up.
I began to run faster.
I could feel my heart hitting
the inside of my chest,
my stomach beginning to feel queazy
and saying "uncle."
I couldn't feel my toes.

I didn't think I would make it.
I thought I was either going
to have to stop and walk,
or I would collapse.

So I closed my eyes,
and listened to the sweet words
of Gungor, saying,
"Here I am Lord,
all I am Lord,
I am Yours."

Suddenly I wasn't running anymore.
I was being carried across the finish line.
Eyes closed,
and heart completely abandoned.

I finished with my best 5K time ever.
My goal was 35 minutes.
And I finished in less than 33.

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