Friday, March 11, 2011

ali's Corner. [Cool Things I've Done/Experienced While In Florida]

1. Gone on a jog in a town foreign to me.
2. Eaten a fresh Florida tangerine.
3. Talked about God with Grandma.
4. Watched Tosh.0.
5. Eaten in a cafe that accepted donations instead of giving you a bill.
6. Eaten in that same cafe that would pray for you upon request.
7. Seen an orange grove.
8. Smelled an orange grove.
9. Attended a Baptist church.
10. Eaten a ruby red grape fruit straight off the tree.
11. Rode a bicycle through downtown Leesburg.
12. Driven a 2006 Hyundai Elantra.
13. Saw a movie by myself.
14. Traveled in an airplane at midnight.

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