Thursday, August 26, 2010

ali's Corner [Waiting]

Recently I've realized
just how deep my desire is
to find my husband.

whoever he is,
i wrote him a letter
a couple weeks ago.

Basically saying
wherever you are,
I'm excited to meet you.
I'll make you scrambled eggs
in the morning
and kiss you goodnight.
"We'll make love while
we're still young
and hold hands when
we get too old"

[lyrics by Rick Stump]

I want us to know each other
so well that when someone asks
"how are you" the other could
already answer for them.

I want God to be first
and each other second,
and know that
our marriage
as well as our individual lives
are all for the glory of God.

The feeling is intense.

But I am smarter than this.
I know my God.

And I am content.
I'm content with giving my life to Christ.
With living each day for Him,
rather than for me.
He no longer has a body in the flesh on Earth.
I told Him that He can HAVE mine.
USE it.
I am dead to it.
I belong with Him, anyways.
&& God knows the desires of my heart.
At times I feel lonely,
but never in my life
have I feared being alone.
For I have a God who loves me,
&& He. Is. Enough.

So when that day comes
and God brings "him" along.
The man i've been waiting for since
I knew boys existed,

I will know it.Right away.
I can feel it.

But for now,
as John Waller put it:

"I will move ahead,
bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting
I will serve You
While I'm waiting
I will worship
While I'm waiting
I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait.


  1. Love the posts I've read so is great are now on my favorites list!

  2. I remember being in that spot - where you are in searching for the man that God made perfectly to be with you. It was when I was searching after God, as fervently as I was searching after my husband, that he brought us together as the exact right time for both Todd and I. I'm so excited for you, b/c I see how content you are with your relationship with Jesus, that your partner in life is just around the corner. :)
