Thursday, July 29, 2010

ali's Corner. [BRAIN YAK]

In the future,
when my children
come to me and ask,
"Mommy, which one of us
do you love more?"

My answer will be as follows.

"Ezekiel Paul, [this is my long
decided first born son's name]
when you were born,
my heart exploded inside of my chest.
I didn't think it was possible to
love someone that much."

"...and Margot [tentatively my first born
daughter's name]
when you were born,
My heart got even bigger.
I didn't think it was possible that
my heart could explode with that much
love, yet again.

The truth is,
I love you both the exact same
simply for the reason that my heart
is filled to the top with so much love
that it isn't possible to love either of you
any more than I already do."

When I have a family,
My children will know love.

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