Sunday, September 25, 2011

ali's Corner. [The Internal Conflict of a Christian]

I consider myself a Christian.

Like, the real kind.

It is such an overly used word.

It's more of an adjective than it is a noun.

I've never been one to pretend.

I don't act like things are great

when they aren't.

I also don't hide my struggles

from people or from God.

Struggles, trials and troubles

are what shape us.

It forms our character.

It makes us or breaks us

depending on how we tackle

the toughies.


I'll be honest.

Being a Christian is the hardest thing

I have ever been, done and pursued.


Because it goes against

everything that we are.

We were created to be with God.

And to love Him.

But after the fall of man,

it is in our nature to rebel against God.

Going to church is against our human nature.

[Not our original created nature].

Obeying God is against our human nature.

Loving God,

loving others,

trusting God,

showing grace to others,

is all against our human nature.

So really, seeing Christians in action,

intrigues me.

They are attractive.

Because, there is something going on

inside of them,

that is NOT of themselves,

giving them desire and passion

to fight against their own human nature,

and serve a God that they can't even see.





what goes on inside of their heads?

There has to be a point or several points,

where they argue with themselves.

When their natural human nature

tries to take over and win the spiritual battle.

What kinds of battles do their minds face?

In my experience,

I've discovered that I care a lot

[and maybe too much]

about what people think of me.

I wear my heart on my sleeve.

And my faith consumes all of my heart.

Therefore, when my faith is attacked,

my heart suffers, too.


I get angry.

So many times,

I want to fight back.

I have been called

an idiot.

a dreamer.

I've been told that I am


and stupid.

Or that I live in a land

of make-believe.

I've had friends

walk away from me.

Claiming that my

faith is just too much.

But, what I believe,

is my reason for existance.

It is every bit of truth to me.

My first human instinct is to

stick up for myself.

To make a convincing statement

that my faith has reason for consideration.

But I do not.

My faith relies heavily on scripture.

And scripture tells me to forgive.

For they know not what they do. [Luke 23:34]

and it tells me not to get caught up

in foolish debates.

Not to be arguementative;

but to teach and be able to respectfully

correct. [2 Timothy 2:23-24]

Internally, I'll be honest:

It makes me angry that I suffer

due to the ignorance of another human.

They can call me names and I can...

...say nothing?

And externally, yes.

For it's truly not my battle to fight.


I struggle with needing acceptance from others.

I gain acceptance by going out of my way to help people.

It is the line

when helping people is hurting me

that am still learning to recognize.

We all have weaknesses

with voids

that we learn to fill

with other things.

Most of the time,

the fillings are temporary,

unless we release them to

the One who created us.

Since my faith is based on scripture,

it asks me if I am trying to win the approval

of men or of God.

If I am seeking approval from men,

then I am not a servant of Christ. [Galatians 1:10]

Internally, I'll be honest:

The approval of people

deems much more satisfying

because it is relational

and I can see it.

A high five,

a passing nod,

or a genuine "thank you"

are all things I don't get from God.

But they are immediate.

And they are uplifting.


It is okay to crave these things,

it is my way of knowing that I have done well.

It's okay to be uplifted and encouraged.

But it is not okay to depend on them

in order to feel accepted.


There is a countless number of sins

that our society has and continues to

find ways to make okay.

Or atleast more acceptable.

As children,

our minds are so brainwashed.

They're corrupted at early ages,

making it nearly impossible,

to rid our minds of the yuck

and start over again with the child-like faith.

We have to know our God.

We have to know His word.

And what He deems okay and acceptable.

Rather than "bandwagoning" with our society.

And since my faith is based on scripture,

Scripture tells me to focus on whatever is








or praiseworthy

and to think about such things. [Phillipians 4:8]

But in my experience,

while trying to rid my mind and life

of such things that are not


or pure.

But are rather

evil and wicked;

and a firey combination

for a potential breeding ground of sin,

I have been called closed-minded.

As if my lifestyle is somehow

too weak to be considered worthy

of existing in this society.

Internally, I'll be honest:

My knowledge of

what people do behind closed doors

to seek pleasure from sexual desire

is greater than most would think.

However, my experience of it is zero to none.

And externally,

I protect my eyes,

my ears

and my mouth

from seeing,

hearing and talking about such things.

For I am only sheltered

because I choose to shelter myself.

I gain nothing from indulging in such things

of this twisted society.


I choose not to fight back,

for I am representing Christ;

to the broken,

the confused,

the weak

and even the ones who hate.

I will represent Christ and all of His glory

the best that I can because it is my purpose

as a Christian.

It is who I am.

Rather than who this world has made me.

Internal conflicts constantly

swim around in everyone's mind.

For Christians, however,

it is a constant battle between

mind and spirit.

And the winner,

depends on which you feed the most.

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