This is the first time I ever looked at my daddy.
I wonder what he was thinking in this moment.
He has taught me so much since this day.
I remember sneaking into my elementary school on Saturday mornings and playing poison ball.
I remember him running alongside my bicycle, holding onto the back of the seat and telling me I could do it.
I remember learning my first song on guitar (Take It Easy - by the Eagles) on acoustic guitar when I was nine.
I remember playing basketball barefoot in the street - The Pacers against the Cheesemeisters. Dad was always Rick Schmits & Big Cheese, Kory was Reggie Miller and Little Cheese and I was always Mark Jackson and Swiss Cheese (or sometimes "Stinky Cheese" :[ )
I remember going to the Father Daughter dance for girl scouts and square dancing with dad. He'd swing me around so fast my feet would come up off the ground and he'd sing "Swing your partner round and round, kick 'em in the butt and knock 'em down".
I remember getting up on Sunday mornings before church and eating cereal with dad and Kory. While reading the back of the cereal boxes, dad would start a single beat, then Kory would add in a riff and I would follow. By the time our cereal was gone, we'd have an entire ensemble of table drummed beats and whistles that mom would probably tell us to turn the stereo down.
I remember traveling to Florida once and dad got pulled over for speeding because we were playing 'Ridley Ridley Ree'. He told the officer "Sorry, I was just playing a game with my kids".
I remember horse back riding in the mountains of Colorado.
Skiing a countless number of times down the blue diamond slope "Why Not".
Braiding dad's hair and using atleast 30 scrunchies while he "baby sat" us.
Throwing the styrofoam airplane around outside grandma's house and probably using an entire roll of duct tape to repair it after each "crash".
I remember lizard busting. Aka: spraying lizards with squirt guns at grandma's house in Florida to weaken them so I could catch them and keep them for the day to let them go at night.
I remember getting up at 5:30 am to go lay on the deck and watch the meteor shower.
I remember
Piggy backs.
Drawing pictures.
Grandma big bird.
Family bike rides.
Catching the biggest fish I've ever caught on my last cast out of five.
Making blueberry muffins with crumble top.
I remember when my dad baptized me.
He taught me how to love Jesus by being a God seeking man and showing me to love in the same way.
He's always told me he's proud of me.
He's always told me how special I am.
And how much I deserve.
He's helped make me the person I am today because I've followed in his footsteps.
He is a great man.
And the things I remember the most are the things that cost little to no money at all.
When dad sacrificed his "to do" list for time with me and my brother or sister.
He was never just "too busy"...
I love you dad,
forever and always.
Happy Father's Day!
-ali B.
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